a man who is never satisfied

Evelene Huang
2 min readAug 15, 2021


You must be wandering, why I said a man? In here I want to say a man as in a human. This must be a common topic, everyday know that every human have a nature to feel never enough. We always want what we don’t have. But yesterday, this kind of thingking suddenly came to my mind.

So yesterday I watched some video in my chinese lesson. Basically this video is talking about 5 reason why a Japanese who lived in Taiwan can not go back to Japan. One of the reason is because of the fruit. Taiwan have so many fruit that’s so expensive in Japan, for example mango and dragon fruit. This guy was so shocked when his wife gave him a whole fruit of mango, because in Japan he can only eat mango when eating ice mango and the mango only a few cubes on the top. He really liked the fruit in Taiwan, even when he’s quarelling with his wife. His wife only need to gave him fruit, and he is already okay.

While watching that video, I feel kind of strange to see someone who liked to eat fruit that much. We in Indonesia never have that problem, we always have so many kind of fruit and the price also quiet reasonable if we compare it to other country. Fruit price in Japan can be 8x more expensive than in Taiwan, I can not imagine how much it will be if compared to Indonesia.

So after watching this video, I think wow I never really grateful with how many fruits I can it in Indonesia. Also how accessible is it for everyone to buy. Now I kind of want to be more grateful with how many kind of fruit Indonesia have, and how cheap it is. Every country have their own pros and cons. In Japan they can eat tuna egg until they sick of it, but they can not eat so many fruits. In Indonesia even though tuna egg is expensive, buy we can eat so many fruit that the Japanese envy of.

Another kind of thinking that came to me, this guy haven’t come to Indonesia. He definitely going to be more surprised.

Source: Iku老師/Ikulaoshi



Evelene Huang

Write about my UX journey and opinion about many things